Friday, February 5, 2010

The re-make of We are the World is terrible

Now everybody knows the famous song We are the World by Michael Jackson. After the earthquake Wyclef got people together this Monday to do a remake. It's for a great cause again (my mom told me original was in response to famine in East Africa). But there's one problem and it has my head spinning. Quincy Jones, one of the best music producers ever, didn't have the talent to work with that he had 25 years ago. The remake God awful remake. First of all I hate Justin Beiber. He is racist and always makes fun of black people. He stereotypes us. He shouldn't be in there. Also, a lot of the singers are just plain bad, like Nick Jonas. He killed my eardrums. So did Miley Cyrus who also stereotypes people including Jamaican and Chinese people. She can't even come close to sounding as good as Cindy Lauper or Whitney Houston's auntie (I forgot her name). Plus Celine Dion is overdramtic and annoying. Why does she always beat her chest? I like the point of it, how they are doing it for Haiti. But the sound is awful. What do you think?


  1. Nisa!

    I agree!!

    Can't wait to read your next entry.

    Love, Mommy

  2. Great blog. Great job. Now show the world the wisdom we know you posses baby girl.


  3. Well said Nisa!!! I always wonder why people bother to do these remakes that add nothing and are inferior to the original. I think I'll just youtube the original. Nicole

  4. Nisa I think you are brilliant. So proud of you! Keep writing. :-)


  5. I agree. I finally heard it today. You heard about Jay-Z's comment. It is untouchable like Thriller. It should have just been re-introduced to support Haiti, not made over. There is something to be said about people who are racially bias being a part of a universal response to help people, who are victims of their racist bull. You know more about the artists then most. Keep up the great work.

  6. Very excellent start to a budding life observer. I am very proud of you!

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  8. Hey Nisa,

    It must be a fire sign thing because I too despise the We Are The World re-make and for many of the reasons you have so wonderfully stated!I can't believe you're the same human I've known since the day you were born. Love your blog & you are so AMAZING!!! xoxo, adisa
